Name as Emperor: Imperator Caesar Divi Nervae filius Nerva Traianus Optimus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus Parthicus.
Nickname: Trajan.
Father: Marcus Ulpius Traianus (Roman Senator).
Mother: Marcia.
Father: Nerva (Emperor, adopted as his successor).
Wife: Pompeia Plotina.
Date of Birth: 18 September 53.
Birth Place: Italica, Hispania.
Date of Death: 09 August 117 (aged 63).
Death Place: Selinus, Cilicia.
Cause of Death: Stroke.
Remains/Buried: Trajan's Column, Rome, Italy.
Gender: Male.
Religion: Pagan.
Race or Ethnicity: White.
Occupation: Emperor, Military.
Ruled: 98 - 117.
Nationality: Ancient Rome.
The Roman emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus (Trajan) was the first
non-Italian emperor. The Roman Empire reached its greatest territorial
extent under Trajan. He is also remembered for the extensive public
building programs and social welfare policies enforced throughout his
Marcus Ulpius Traianus (Trajan) was born on 18 September 53 in Italica,
Hispania (near modern Seville, Spain). He was trained as a youth in the
Roman army and took an active part in campaigns in Spain, Syria and
Germany during the reigns of the emperors Titus and Domitian.
In 91, he was elected a consul. In 97 he was adopted by Emperor Nerva
as his colleague and successor. Trajan ruled from 98 to 117. In 101, he
set out on his first campaign against the Dacians in southeastern
Europe. From 103 to 105, he built Trajan's Bridge. Trajan died on 09 August 117, after suffering a stroke. He was buried at Trajan's Column, Rome, Italy.