Full Name: Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Nickname: The sage of Concord.

Father Name: William Emerson(1770-1811).
Mother Name: Ruth Haskins.
Wife: Elena Louise Tucker (d. Feb-1831).
Son: Edward Waldo Emerson (1844-1930).

Date of Birth: 25 May 1803.
Birth Place: Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

Date of Death: 27 April 1882 (aged 78).
Death Place: Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.
Cause of Death: Pneumonia.
Remains/Buried: Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, MA, U.S.

Gender: Male.
Religion: Unitarian.
Race or Ethnicity: White.
Education: Boston Public Latin School, Harvard. University, Harvard Divinity School.
Occupation: Philosopher, Essayist, Poet.
Nationality: United States.

Influenced By: Michel Montaigne, David Thoreau, Swedenborg, Friedrich Hegel, Plato, Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

Influenced: Friedrich Nietzsche, William James, Goldman, Marcel Proust, Harold Bloom, Ivan Cankar, Walt Whitman.

American Transcendentalist poet, philosopher, lecturer and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson (25 May 1803 - 27 April 1882) was the most thought-provoking cultural leader of the mid-19th century who led the Transcendentalist movement. Influenced by the Eastern philosophy; studying the works of Augustine, Francis Bacon, Coleridge, Dante, Shelley, Jane Austen and Shakespeare among many others and emphasizing God Immanent, he realized the importance of the spiritual inner self over the material external self and sowed the seeds of the American Transcendentalist movement.

Early Life & Childhood: Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on 25 May 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. In 1812, he was admitted to the Boston Latin School, when he was 9. In October 1817, he went to Harvard College and was appointed as the freshman messenger for the president. On 29 August 1821, Emerson completed his graduation from Harvard at the age of 18. Then he taught at his brother William's Boston school. In 1825, Emerson was listed at Harvard Divinity School where he was influenced by the translations of the German critics, Hindu and Buddhist poetry. He had been licensed as a minister throughout 1826 and in addition to ordained towards the Unitarian church throughout 1829.

Personal Life: Ralph Waldo Emerson's father, William Emerson(1770-1811) was a clergyman and his mother named Ruth Haskins. In 1829, he married Ellen Tucker but unfortunately, she died of tuberculosis two years later. On 14 September 1835, he remarried Lydia Jackson and moved to a new home in Concord with his mother.

Later Life & Death: In 1832, Ralph Waldo Emerson travelled to Italy, Rome, Florence, Venice, Switzerland and Paris and met with literary figures Thomas Carlyle, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Stuart Mill and William Wordsworth. He was regarded as one of the best lecturers of his time and had given more than 1,500 public lectures across the United States throughout his lifetime. He delivered his first lecture on November 5, 1833, about 'Uses of Natural History in Boston'. In 1836, he published Nature. In 1841, he published his 2nd book named Essays. In 1844, Emerson published his second collection of essays, EssaysSecond Series. In 1857, he wrote English Traits and his final collection of essays titled The Conduct of Life in 1860. In 1872, Emerson moved to Europe and Egypt. After coming back he continues his writing. On 27 April 1882, Ralph Waldo Emerson died at home in Concord, Massachusetts. He was buried at Buried, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, Massachusetts, United States.