Full Name: Paul-Michel Foucault.
Known as: Michel Foucault.
Nickname: Didn't have a Nickname.

Father Name: Paul Foucault (1893–1959).
Mother Name: Anne Malapert.

Date of Birth: 15 October 1926.
Birth Place: Poitiers, France.

Date of Death: 25 June 1984 (aged 57).
Death Place: Paris, France.
Cause of Death: AIDS.
Remains: Buried, Cimetière du Vendeuvre, Vienne, France.

Gender: Male
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Race or Ethnicity: White
Education: Lycée Henri-IV, École Normale Supèriéure
Occupation: Anthropologist, Philosopher, Historian, Essayist.
Region: Western philosophy.
Nationality: France.

Notable Ideas: Archaeology, Disciplinary Institution, Dispositif, Governmentality, Panopticism, Discursive Formation.

Influenced By: Jeremy Bentham, Jorge Luis Borges, Gustave Flaubert, Friedrich Hegel, Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl, Friedrich Hölderlin, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre.

Major Writings:
  • Madness and Civilization (1961, non-fiction)
  • Death and the Labyrinth: The World of Raymond Roussel (1963, non-fiction)
  • Birth of the Clinic (1963, non-fiction)
  • The Order of Things (1966, non-fiction)
  • The Archaeology of Knowledge (1969, non-fiction)
  • Discipline and Punish (1975, non-fiction)
  • The History of Sexuality, Vol. I: An Introduction (1976, non-fiction)
  • The History of Sexuality, Vol. II: The Use of Pleasure (1984, non-fiction)
  • The History of Sexuality, Vol. III: The Care of the Self (1984, non-fiction)
The French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault (15 October 1926 - 25 June 1984) is considered one of the most important contributors who made historiography. He also contributes to realizing the forces that make history. His writings on power, knowledge and speech are broadly influential within the academic sectors.

Early Life & Childhood: Michel Foucault was born on 15 Oct. 1926 in the small town of Poitiers, France. In 1930, he began his education at the Lycée Henri-IV in Paris. In 1939, the 2nd World War started and France was occupied by Nazi Germany till 1945. In 1940, his mother enrolled him in the Collège Saint-Stanislas which was run by the Jesuits. In 1946, Foucault admitted at the École Normale Supèriéure with good academic record. In 1947, he gained a BA degree in Psychopathology. In 1948, he obtained another BA type of degree in Philosophy. In 1951, he passed his agrégation in philosophy on the second try.

Personal Life: A little known about Michel Foucault's personal life. His father named Paul Foucault (1893–1959) was a successful local surgeon. His mother was named Anne Malapert, daughter of prosperous surgeon Dr Prosper Malapert. Though it is known that, Foucault died from an AIDS-related illness but he sometimes discussed with his friends his thoughts of suicide.

Later Life & Death: From 1951, Michel Foucault became a psychology instructor at the ÉNS at Althusser's invitation where he served until 1955. In 1953, he began teaching psychology for one year at the Université Lille Nord de France. In August 1953, Foucault holidayed in Italy where he was influenced by the work of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. In 1959, he received his doctorate d'état. From 1966 to 1968, he taught at the University of Tunis, Tunisia. In 1970, Foucault was selected as the most prestigious academic body in France. He died on 25 June 1984. Michel Foucault was buried at Cimetière du Vendeuvre, Vienne, France.