Full Name: Jeremy Bentham ( जेरेमी बेंथम ).
Nickname: Didn't have a Nickname.

Father Name: Jeremiah Bentham (lawyer).
Mother Name: Alicia Grove Bentham.
Brother: Samuel Bentham.
Girlfriend: Polly Dunkley.

Date of Birth: 15 February 1748.
Birth Place: Spitalfields, London, England.

Date of Death: 06 June 1832 (aged 84).
Death Place: London, England.
Cause of Death: Unspecified.
Remains: Mummified, University College, London, England.

Gender: Male.
Religion: Atheist.
Race or Ethnicity: White.
  • High School: Westminster School, London, England
  • University: BA, Queen's College, Oxford University (1763)
  • University: MA, Queen's College, Oxford University (1766)
Occupation: Philosopher, Economist.

Notable Ideas: Greatest happiness principle.

Influenced By: Protagoras, Epicurus, John Locke, David Hume, Montesquieu, Thomas Hobbes, Cesare Beccaria.

Influenced: John Stuart Mill, Henry Sidgwick, Michel Foucault, Peter Singer, John Austin, Robert Owen, David Pearce.

Major Writings: An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation; A Fragment on Government; The Classical Utilitarians; Theory of Legislation; Pannomial Fragments The Works of Jeremy Bentham.

British philosopher, economist, jurist and social reformer Jeremy Bentham (15 February 1748 – 06 June 1832) is considered the founder of modern utilitarianism. Influenced by Epicurus, John Locke, David Hume, Montesquieu, Helvétius, and Thomas Hobbes; Bentham formulated an honourable concept grounded in a large empiricist account of human nature.

Early Life & Childhood: Jeremy Bentham was born on 15 February 1748 in Spitalfields, London, England. At the age of 7, he was sent to Westminster School where he studied Greek and Latin verse writing. In 1760, Bentham was admitted to Queen’s College in Oxford. In 1763, he got a Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1766, he completed his Master's degree in Arts. He trained as a lawyer and in 1769, he was called to the bar to practice. In 1776, Bentham published his first book, A Fragment on Government.

Personal Life: A little known about Jeremy Bentham's personal life. His father and grandfather was a lawyer. His father's name was Jeremiah Bentham. His mother's name was Alicia Grove Bentham. In 1776, Bentham fell in love with Polly Dunkley. But his father didn't accept their relationship. Bentham never married.

Later Life & Death: In 1781, Jeremy Bentham became associated with the Earl of Shelburne during his travelled to Russia. In 1788, he returned to England. In 1789, Bentham published Principles of Morals and Legislation. In 1824, Bentham joined with James Mill. They found the Westminster Review. A journal of the philosophical radicals was also contributed by Lord Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Carlyle. He died on 06 June 1832. Jeremy Bentham was not buried. His remains were mummified and kept at University College, London, England.